AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional

A week ago I earned this certification. Didn’t really expect to tackle this so soon. Was hoping the jobs market would open up, the rona spread would get under control, and get back to work somewhere. Trying to boost my resume or at least have something to show for my time since being laid off.

Without a doubt more challenging than the associate level certifications. Definitely the hardest multiple choice, multiple answer exam I have ever taken. Despite having a DevOps credential, at this point my hands on experience is extremely limited. See quite a few posting for DevOps jobs, but my experience is more in systems administration. Looking to move into a role/company that is adopting/using DevOps though. This credential shows I can learn concepts relatively fast. AWS recommends 2 years of hands on experience. I first singed into AWS in March, so like 4 months of dabbling.

I used Stéphane Maarek’s courses on Udemy in combination with Linux Academy courses. Stéphane does a good job of teaching the concepts, but there is no hands on labs. You could follow along with him in your own account potentially racking up charges. Linux Academy courses have hand-on labs. I also find there isn’t complete coverage in either side, but taken together didn’t leave me with to many WTF moments on the exams.

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